Roebuck Plains, Broome, NW WA IMG_1527 20180904 - breeding plumage.
Notes: Plump; short legs; chestnut underwing coverts.
Cf Australian Pratincole .
Breeding: cream throat w. black throat-band; red base to bill.
Forages on wing, hawking insects. Nomadic dependent on rainfall.
On plains, edges of bare wetlands, mudflats. Migrant from E Asia.
Range from eBird© (last 10 years)
Roebuck Plains, Broome, NW WA IMG_1501 20180904 - CLICK for another view.
Roebuck Plains, Broome, NW WA IMG_1511 20180904 - with Australian Pratincole
Turf Farm, France Road, Wrights Creek, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_1524 20220216 - CLICK for another view.
Cairns Foreshore, FNE Qld IMG_9698 20191203 - Non-breeding or late immature.
Cairns Foreshore, FNE Qld IMG_9617 20191203 - Non-breeding or late immature.
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Turf Farm, France Road, Wrights Creek, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_8434 20220216
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Roebuck Plains, Broome, NW WA MVI_1517 20180904 - stationary, w. Australian Pratincole & bovine.
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Cairns Foreshore, FNE Qld IMG_9681 20191203 - Non-breeding or late immature.