Mount Lewis, Julatten, FN Qld IMG_9017 20101030 - pectoralis male: collar on hindneck yellow, all-black upper-tail. CLICK for another pic.
Notes: Male: distinct olive edging to flight feathers; uppertail
varies from all black (ssp pectoralis ) to broad black terminal band (ssp
youngi ) to mostly grey (ssp glaucura ). Female: plain grey or buff grey,
yellow-white edges to flight feathers, yellow at least in vent area. Ssp xanthoprocta
of both sexes is like female nominate, but upperparts more olive, tail slightly browner,
lower breast & belly somewhat yellower. Cf
Western Whistler . In wide range of wooded habitats.
Range from Australian Bird Guide© (2019) (modified)
Mt Lewis, Julatten, FN Qld IMG_8638 20180316 - pectoralis female
School Camp, Danbulla NP, FN Qld IMG_6135 20211127 - pectoralis female.
Millwood Dam, G. Bendigo NP, Kamarooka, NC Vic IMG_9396 20190930 - youngi male: yellow collar narrower than nominate, tail black w. broader grey base. CLICK for a pic from Balbirooroo Wetlands, Balnarring, S Vic 20211127.
Cann River Bushland Reserve, SE Vic IMG_6799 20211114 - youngi female: upperparts & tail dull grey, lower breast & belly greyish white, crissum white. CLICK for one at Mallacoota Caravan Park, E Vic 20211117.
Blue Gum Road, Pegarah State Forest, SE King Island, Tas IMG_1198 20211215 - glaucura male: grey tail.
Peter Murrell Reserve, Kingston, SE Tas IMG_7626 20210612 - glaucura female: back & tail dull brownish grey, lower breast & belly greyish white, crissum white. CLICK for a pic of 2 x female collecting spider web. Bruny Island, Tas 20160223.
Old Settlement, Lord Howe Island IMG_1839 20200305 - contempta male: tail greyer than nominate, w. broad black sub- terminal bar. CLICK for another pic.
Steven's Reserve, Lord Howe Island IMG_0763 20200303 - contempta female: upperparts browner, underparts slightly lighter, than nominate. CLICK for another pic.
Red Road Track, Norfolk Island IMG_1839 20200313 - xanthoprocta both sexes like female nominate, but upperparts more olive, tail slightly browner, belly yellower.
Red Road Track, Norfolk Island IMG_3673 20200311 - xanthoprocta both sexes like female nominate, but upperparts more olive, tail slightly browner, belly yellower. CLICK for audio of call.
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Mt Lewis, Julatten, FN Qld etc. MVI_7037 20190324 - pectoralis male.
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Mortimer Nature Walk, Bunyip State Park, SE Vic IMG_9650 20211202 - youngi female: browner head.
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Campbells Road, Kamarooka, N Vic IMG_2828+2827 20210118 - youngi juvenile, moulting from rufous colours.