Cairns Foreshore, FN Qld IMG_3838 20191102
Notes: Very uncommon. Similar to
Bar-tailed Godwit but
a little smaller, longer legged. Long, straight, thick, dark
bill deep at base, slightly swollen at tip (Juvenile: pale base).
Blackish legs. Summer migrant to Aust. Usually in godwit
flocks. Larger tidal- & mud-flats.
Range from eBird© (last 10 years)
Cairns Esplanade, FN Qld IMG_2684 20191029 - w. Bar-tailed Godwit
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_1692 20191026 - w. Black-tailed Godwit
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_3440 20221004 - w. Great Knots. CLICK for w. Bar-tailed Godwits.
Cairns Esplanade, S end, FN Qld IMG_1556 20191025 - CLICK for another pic.
Crab Ck, Roebuck Bay, Broome, NW WA IMG_3929 20180920 - w. Great Knot on left
Cairns Esplanade, FN Qld IMG_2923 20191031 - w. Curlew Sandpipers & Great Knots
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Cairns Foreshore, FNE Qld IMG_3845 20191102 - w. Bar-tailed & Black-tailed Godwits
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Cairns Foreshore, FNE Qld MVI_1580+2+6 20191025
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Cairns Foreshore, FNE Qld IMG_3404 20221004 - with Bar-tailed Godwits.