Reference Material

  from TravelTrucks

TravelTrucks Scrubmaster TT30 Touch Screen User Guide (6.4 MB)

These sheets are specific to TT30 and were for the supplied configuration.
CLICK a sheet to enlarge it.

Solar setup.

The present setup uses larger Victron panels and regulator.

Fresh Water setup

Fuses in Camper and Cabin

Some fuses are unavoidable.

Class 1 (CANbus) Power Distribution Module in Cabin

The module reports the state of inputs and operating parameters to the network and will activate outputs on command from the network. All output channels of the PDM utilize solid state, fully protected high-side drivers that feature overload protection, current limitation, open load detection and transient protection. These output drivers replace the requirement of a relay and circuit breaker.

Class 1 (CANbus) Analog Power Distribution Module in Camper

The module reports the state of inputs and operating parameters to the network and will activate outputs on command from the network. All output channels of the PDM utilize solid state, fully protected high-side drivers that feature overload protection, current limitation, open load detection and transient protection. These output drivers replace the requirement of a relay and circuit breaker.

Class 1 (CANbus) Switch/Touch Panels

Class 1 CANbus USM (Universal System Manager)

The USM has 4 inputs and 3 outputs. The module reports the state of the inputs to the network and will activate the outputs on command from the network.