Little Isl, Lord Howe Island IMG_0414 20200302 - breeding plumage: long grey plumes on back, brownish at base of neck. CLICK to see blue-grey facial skin.
Notes: Slender, medium size. Grey body & wings,
white face, black flight feathers; legs yellow. Breeding: long
grey plumes on back; shorter brownish plumes @ base of neck; blue-grey
facial skin. Non-breeding: shorter plumes; often greenish-yellow
facial skin. Juvenile: duller, browner, no plumes, no
white on face below eye. In a wide range of wetlands & tidal flats.
Range from HeronConservation, IUCN-SCC Sig©
Wonga Beach, FN Qld IMG_1843 20190814 - adult
Dunne Road Swamp, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_6307 20221101 - adults; an altercation.
Edithvale Wetlands, S Vic IMG_3251 20180121 - adult
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_3465 20230829 flying: lots of toe trailing. CLICK for two on 20200709.
Hird Swamp, Kerang, N Vic IMG_2396+2398 20210115 - composite
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_8312 20230903 - adult. CLICK for another 20200714.
Rocky Tate River Crossing, FN Qld IMG_0784 20210509 - adult
Batemans Bay, SE NSW IMG_5550 20190308 - juvenile: no white on face below eye, browner plumage, no plumes.
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Saltwater Creek, Cairns North, FN Qld MVI_2775 20190821 - adult, now to swallow the fish.
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Wenlock River, Portland Roads Road, CYPAL, FNE Qld IMG_9974 20220820 - adult, foraging technique.
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Wonga Beach, FN Qld MVI_1858 20190814 - adult