Port Hedland, NW WA IMG_4577 20180923 - clean white underparts & sharp cutoff of dark hood (not for juvenile).
Notes: Large woodswallow w. stout bill. Upperparts/upper
breast brownish slate-grey cut off sharply by pure white underparts.
Rump white, tail wholly dark grey — a unique combination (cf
Masked Woodswallow ). Habitats
near water. Migratory in E Aust., only visiting S in summer. Resident in
N, NE Aust.
Range from Atlas of Living Australia© Migratory in E Aust., only visiting S in summer. Resident in N, NE Aust.
Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_8588 20200430.
Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_1025 20191023 - Our only woodswallow with a white rump.
Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_0773 20230301 - adult collecting nesting material.
Centenary Lakes, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_9792 20210502 - unique combination of wholly dark undertail & underbody as pale as underwings. CLICK for one on Esplanade, Cairns North 20231027.
Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_5869 20200911
Buffalo Ck, Darwin, FN NT IMG_4968 20180803 - typically perches side by side in closely packed lines when at rest.
Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_0060...0063.GIF 20201211 - adult feeding two juveniles.
Green Island, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_3710 20191221 - parent and early juvenile: buff tips to upperparts feathers & wing-coverts, dark hood. CLICK for the juvenile alone.
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Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_2241 20201124
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Opalton Bush Camp, CW Qld IMG_4107 20200907
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Esplanade, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_6176 20230817