Nowingi/Konardin Tks, Hattah-Kulkyne NP, W Vic MG_2553 20190511
Notes: Boldly streaked black on white head, nape & upper back. Short, straight,
sharp bill. Long white feathers on sides of throat. Underparts whitish
sparsely streaked. In drier open forest, heath, mangroves. Many food sources.
Range from Morcombe©
Nowingi/Konardin Tks, Hattah-Kulkyne NP, W Vic MG_2560 20190511
Pilliga Dam, NC NSW IMG_0528 20151014 - CLICK for another pic.
N-S Settlement Rd, Murray-Sunset NP, W Vic IMG_3160 20190513
Atkinsons Lagoon Reserve, Watsons Road, Coominya, SE Qld IMG_2917 20220325 - CLICK for another pic.
Patchewollock-Wyperfeld Road, NW Vic IMG_2219 20230606 - CLICK for another view.
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Nowingi/Konardin Tks, Hattah-Kulkyne NP, W Vic MVI_2566+2583 20190511
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Atkinsons Lagoon Reserve, Watsons Road, Coominya, SE Qld IMG_2901+2895 20220325