Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

Calidris acuminata

Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_3294 20200830 - newly arrived, in breeding plumage: brightly coloured above;
coarse black chevrons on breast & flanks. CLICK for another 20230915.
©(last 10 years)
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee, S Vic IMG_0676 20210101 - non-breeding plumage. CLICK for flock Foreshore, Cairns
Cairns Foreshore, FN Qld IMG_4075 20190827 - in breeding plumage, in front of Australian Tern. CLICK for one in front
of Great Knots, 20220916.
Cairns Foreshore, FN Qld IMG_4800 20191107 - non-breeding plumage, w. Bar-tailed Godwits. CLICK for one 20230919. Dunne Road Swamp, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_6463 20221101 - In flight: dark centred rump & tail. Adult on left, juvenile above,
Curlew Sandpiper below. CLICK for juveniles in flight.
Jawbone Conservation Reserve, Williamstown, S Vic IMG_3543 20211030 - non-breeding plumage.CLICK for another. Cairns Foreshore, FN Qld IMG_3039..3041 20191031 - landing approach, passing Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Great Knot and
another Sharp-tailed. CLICK for group landing at Dunne Road Swamp, Cairns: 20221101
France Rd Turf Farm, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_0482 20191018 - juvenile: apricot wash on breast, buff fringes to tertials, coverts.
 CLICK for another, on the Foreshore, Cairns, 20230925.
Western Treatment Plant, Werribee, S Vic IMG_7749 20241201 - non-breeding plumage. CLICK for another. Dunne Road Swamp, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_6417 20221101 - juvenile on right, female Ruff on left. CLICK juvenile w.
Marsh Sandpiper 20231019.
Cairns Foreshore, FN Qld IMG_6379 20191117 - non-breeding adults w. Silver Gull behind. CLICK for one w. Great Knots
Cairns Foreshore, FN Qld MVI_0709 20191019 - w. Red-necked Stint Cairns Foreshore, FN Qld + Derby, NW WA MVI_3800+0229 20190825+20180828 - w. Magpie Lark (female), Pied Stilt (juvenile). Machans Beach, Cairns, FN Qld MVI_5026 20190903 - bathing, w. Ruddy Turnstone.