Nifold Plain, Lakefield NP, CYPAL, FNE Qld IMG_1497 20220901- placida
Notes: Small grey dove with heavy barring
on neck and chest, pale blue orbital skin. Tail is not
as long & pointed as smaller
Diamond Dove . Juvenile: dark eye, grey orbital skin, pale fringes.
Ssp clelandi paler, tinged sandy-brown cf nominate
placida . Voice is a repeated slurred 3-note phrase
(low-high-low). Abundant in tropics, in open woodlands, coastal scrub, parks.
Range from Morcombe© (modified)
Cairns Esplanade, FN Qld IMG_3953 20180207- placida
Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_9913 20180329 - placida . CLICK to see one there on 20211222.
Broome Bird Observatory, NW WA IMG_2109 20180910 - placida CLICK to see smaller Diamond Dove at this place and scale.
Mungana, near Chillagoe, FN Qld IMG_1309 20180409 - placida
Round Lake, Kerang, NW Vic MVI_3169 20170322 - placida
Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_6910 20231202 - placida parent feeding two fledglings. CLICK to see video of frantic action.
Redcap Creek crossing, Mungana, FN Qld IMG_0116 20210505 - placida juvenile. CLICK to see two fledglings on the Esplanade, Cairns North 20231202.
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Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_6151 20240514 - placida the sound of the North, a duo.
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Forest Den NP, NC Qld MVI_9805 20161009 - placida frantic children
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Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_5192 20230805 - placida busy.