Braeside Park, Melbourne, SC Vic IMG_0017 20211205 - male: black crown. CLICK for a female at Tyto Wetlands, Ingham, FNE Qld 20240822.
Notes: Mottled brown dabbling duck w. distinctive striped
pattern on slightly domed head. Purple/green metallic panel (speculum)
on wing. Male: black crown. Female dark brown crown; manic descending
'quark, quark, quark! '. Common throughout range, often found on or
beside ponds, wetlands, and rivers. Nomadic, follows water.
Range from Morcomb & Stewart©
Police Paddock, Horsham, C Vic IMG_2375 20190509 - male (black crown) w. pair of Australian Wood Ducks
Tyto Wetlands, Ingham, FNE Qld IMG_0624 20200802 - male w. Plumed Whistling Ducks: adult & 7 juveniles.
Mucronata Road, Pegarah State Forest, King Island, Tas IMG_2099 20211217 - male w. 4 chicks. CLICK for another pic.
Black Rock, Melbourne, SC Vic IMG_8914 20200213 - male in front, female standing
Rocky Dam, Flat Creek Station, FN Qld IMG_7450 20200625 - green speculum; forward half of underwing white.
12 Mile Creek, Marmor, E Qld IMG_5671 20220623
Freshwater Lake, Centennary Lakes, Cairns North, FN Qld IMG_4863..4867.GIF 20210307- male w. 7 chicks. CLICK pic to see them all two days later.
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River Reserve Road, Anglesea, SW Vic IMG_4787 20220109 - female on guard.
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Woodford, SW Vic IMG_4002 20220105
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West Isl, Cocos (Keeling) Islands MVI_0546 20190214