Crusoe Reservoir & No.7 Park, Bendigo, NC Vic IMG_9552 20190930 - sagittatus male conspicuous large white terminal patches on inner webs of tail. CLICK for pic at Cranky Rock Nature Reserve, Warialda, NE NSW 20151016.
Notes: Nominate male sagittatus mainly olive-green
above; whitish below w. black streaks; iris red; bill pink-red.
Female greyer, more heavily streaked above; wing has whitish edging.
Juvenile: olive- grey above, narrow buff eyebrow & eyering;
iris, bill dark brown/grey; wing feathers all edged cinnamon.
Ssp affinis longer bill; male generally brighter green, less
heavily streaked below. Ssp grisescens smaller; long bill;
male greyer above & distinctly streaked. Summer migrant to S.
Range from Morcombe & Stewart© (modified)
Property, Paul Mergur, Mount Ossa, E Qld IMG_4580 20220627 - sagittatus female. CLICK for one at Chiltern North Camp, C Vic 20170104.
Tyto Wetlands, Ingham, FN Qld IMG_0924 20200803 - sagittatus immature: buff-brown tones, pale edges to flight feathers (not rufous, so not juvenile).
Hasties Swamp NP, Atherton, FN Qld IMG_0954 20201101 - grisescens tail spots medium-sized. Male: long & slender bill, much greyer above & distinctly streaked. CLICK for pic of likely female: heavy streaking on side of throat cf male.
Park, Portland Roads, CYPAL, FNE Qld IMG_0354 20220824 - grisescens juvenile: rufous edging to flight feathers.
Twelve Mile Lagoon, Lakefield NP, CYP, FNE Qld IMG_8147 20201003 - grisescens juvenile: rufous edging to flight feathers.
Maningrida, NC Arnhem Land, NT IMG_0347 20160806 - affinis male
Maguk/Barramundi Gorge, Kakadu, N NT IMG_3087 20180725 - affinis female
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Cranky Rock Nature Reserve, Warialda, NE NSW MVI_0604 20151016 - sagittatus male
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Cumberland Dam, Georgetown, FN Qld IMG_3839 20200616 - affinis female w. Great Bowerbird
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Jingellic, SE NSW MVI_4277 20170103 - sagittatus