Foreshore, Karumba, FN Qld IMG_1474 20160908 - adult non-breeding plumage. CLICK for another pic.
Notes: Straight needle-like black bill. Long slender
yellowish-green legs. Smaller than
Common Greenshank w. thinner neck, smaller head. In flight, shows
white rump & wedge up back, almost white tail, long trailing toes.
Usually seen wading in inland wetlands; sometimes, tidal flats. Migrant
to Aust for Spring, Summer.
Range from Morcombe©
Foreshore, Karumba Point, FN Qld IMG_5409 20200620 - juvenile: feathers fringed buff at first. CLICK to see another view.
Foreshore, Karumba Point, FN Qld IMG_7384 20200929 - three w. a Common Greenshank on left.
Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_7914 20231019 - wings up. CLICK for this one w. young Sharp-tailed Sandpiper.
Dunne Road Swamp, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_6143 20221031 - MS on left, Common Greenshank on right.
Foreshore, Cairns , FNE Qld IMG_5042 20231006 - CLICK to see flying.
Dunne Road Swamp, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_6104 20221031 - In flight MS shows white rump & wedge up the back & almost white tail. Toe projection large. CLICK for two MS. Both pics w. Sharp-tailed Sandpipers.
Kununurra Sewage Ponds, NE WA IMG_2049 20180811
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Cattana Wetlands, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_2287+2300 20201125
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Dunne Road Swamp, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_6378 20221101 - MS moving in from left, female Ruff in middle, Pied Stilt behind.
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Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_5047+5048 20231006