Joseph Banks Native Plants Reserve, Kareela, E NSW IMG_0277 20201216 - novaeguineae male? blue rump. CLICK for another view with Noisy Minor.
Notes: Large kingfisher w. a dark eye &
brown cheek patch. Female larger, less blue on rump, same tail
pattern as male. Cf
Blue-winged Kookaburra . Juvenile darker, more barred than adult.
Ssp minor smaller, crown slightly darker than nominate
novaeguineae . Boisterous laughing calls. Common in open
eucalypt forest & woodland, parks, gardens. Cf
Blue-winged Kookaburra which keeps to drier habitats.
Range from Pizzey & Knight©
Morris Road, Giru, NE Qld IMG_0222 20220227 - novaeguineae male: blue rump.
Old Northern Road, McDowell, SE Qld IMG_3417 20220329 - novaeguineae CLICK to see flying off.
Bymien Picnic Area, Cooloola, E Qld IMG_1468 20220311 - novaeguineae young (bill almost all-black, more barred underbody). CLICK for similar-age minor at Lake Tinaroo, FNE Qld 20180318.
Churchill NP, Melbourne, S Vic IMG_5351 20220121 - novaeguineae female? rump not blue? CLICK to see flying off.
Cairns Esplanade, FNE Qld IMG_7546 20240602 minor CLICK One at Thala Beach Nature Reserve, FNE Qld 20191110
Water Playground, Esplanade, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_0179 20230210 minor pair squabbling over rodent. CLICK for action.
Lily Creek, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_3965 20231114 - minor CLICK for action.
Artemis Station, CYP, FN Qld IMG_7596 20200930 - minor
Freshwater Lake, Centenary Lakes, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_6126 20230913 - minor larger female on right. CLICK for another pair, Cairns Esplanade, 20190913.
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Central Mundoona Road, Wunghnu, N Vic IMG_1927 20210112 - novaeguineae young
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Waratah Bay, S Vic MVI_5746 20100620 - novaeguineae
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Botanical Gardens, N Cairns, FN Qld MVI_5046+5045 20190904 - minor