Reef Island, Western Port, Vic IMG_2048 20171119 - lagging behind a Bar-tailed Godwit
Notes: Vagrant. Non-breeding upperparts plumage is smoothly grey — similar to Black-tailed Godwit ; slightly upturned bill. Black underwing coverts diagnostic. Sharply defined supercilium, broader above lores and indistinct behind eye.
Range from Pizzey & Knight©
Reef Island, Western Port, Vic IMG_1939 20171119 - wing stretch, with Bar-tailed Godwits and Red Knots
Reef Island, Western Port, Vic IMG_2070 20171119
Reef Island, Western Port, Vic IMG_1951 20171119 - Bar-tailed Godwit behind, doing a stretch. Red Knot in front.
Reef Island, Western Port, Vic IMG_1973 201171119 - compare size of Hudsonian with Bar-tailed and Red Knot.
Reef Island, Western Port, Vic IMG_2041 20171119 - landing Hudsonian centre right, others Bar-tailed Godwits.
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Reef Island, Western Port, Vic MVI_1985 20171119 - Hudsonian Godwith with Bar-tailed Godwits and Red Knots.
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Reef Island, Western Port, Vic MVI_2027 20171119 - Hudsonian Godwith in amongst the Bar-tailed Godwits & Red Knots. Underwing coverts are definitive.