Greenhoose, Iron Range, Cape York, FN Qld IMG_1927 20191212. - yorki CLICK for closeup at Whitfield, Cairns, FNE Qld 20210522.
Notes: Large, slender, noisy. Bill black, pale grey crown,
red-brown iris, curved rear edge to bare face. Short gorget of pale feathers on
upper breast. Ssp yorki distinctive cylindrical casque on upper mandible;
in outer canopy of rainforest edges. Ssp gordoni vestigal casque; coastal/
mangroves; ammitophila inland sandstone escarpments.
Range from Morcombe & Stewart© (modified)
Coconut Grove, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_5563 20220126 - yorki CLICK for another view.
Cattana Wetlands, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_3438 20211223 - yorki CLICK for close-up.
Kings Range, Gordonvale, FN Qld IMG_2526 20220918 - yorki CLICK for one at Freshwater Lake, Centenary Lakes, Cairns North, FNE Qld 20240622.
Cemetery, Cairns North, FN Qld IMG_0374 20191017 - yorki
Lily Creek, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_5395 20240126 - yorki span>
Esplanade, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_6681 20200411 - yorki CLICK for another Cairns Foreshore, FNE Qld 20191201.
Property, Paul Mergur, Mount Ossa, E Qld IMG_6442 20220627 - yorki adult with pollen on head. CLICK for one the day before.
Cattana Wetlands, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_3418 20211223 - yorki juvenile. CLICK for one with adult.
Lee Point, Darwin, N NT IMG_4879 20180802 - gordoni
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Golf Course, Yorky's Knob, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_0579+0578 20230917 - yorki
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Barrine Lake, Crater Lakes NP, Tinnaroo, FN Qld MVI_0593 20190809 - yorki
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Cattana Wetlands, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_2352+2371 20201125 - yorki adult attending to two chicks, then removing waste packet from nest.