Waratah Bay Camping Area, S Vic IMG_6529 20190314 - harmonica male: grey head, black bill, white lores, very brown saddle, pale grey underparts.
Notes: Nominate harmonica male: white lores, black
bill, brown saddle. Female: grey lores, pale eye-ring. Young: rufous supercilium.
Ssp rufiventris Western Shrike-thrush : smaller than nominate, lower
underparts buff to pale rufous. Ssp strigata larger, distinct brown saddle,
white below. Ssp brunnea larger, much paler, browner than nominate; throat
& upper breast streaked. superciliosa large; paler, browner. Beautiful
song. In most treed environments. Sedentary.
Range from Lamb et al. , Nature Heredity© 2019
O'Reilly's, Lamington NP, SE Qld IMG_3016 20190701 - harmonica male: black bill, white lores, rufous saddle. CLICK for female: grey lores, pale eye-ring, 20220319.
Dinden NP, Table lands, FN Qld IMG_5578 20210312 - harmonica female (young because of retained streaking on throat and breast): grey lores, bill; narrow pale eye-ring.
Stirling Range Retreat, SW WA IMG_9835 20181026 - rufiventris male: black bill, white lores, plain grey above, throat white to grey, lower underparts buff to pale rufous.
Ormiston Gorge, S NT IMG_0041 20180713 - rufiventris female: grey lores and bill, narrow pale eyering, buff to pale rufous underparts.
Moreton Telegraph Station, CYPAL, FN Qld IMG_9145 20220806 - superciliosa sexes similar: diffuse white supercilium to behind eye, fine black streaking on throat and breast.
Broom Bird Observatory, NW WA IMG_1149 20180904 - brunnea male: larger, paler, browner than harmonica . Diffuse white supercilium, fine black streaking on throat and breast.
Broom Bird Observatory, NW WA IMG_1614 20180906 - brunnea female: like male but thin pinkish-buff supercilium, often slight buff tinge to underparts.
Adventure Bay Caravan Park, Bruny Island, SE Tas IMG_7149 20210609 - strigata male: large heavy bill; white below; grey lores; faint white supercilium. CLICK for female: heavy bill; white throat, slightly buff on flanks & belly.
Blue Gum Road, Pegarah State Forest, SE King Island, Tas IMG_0968 20211215 - strigata CLICK to see another: Blue Gum X Mucronata Roads, Pegarah State Forest 20211217
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Great Western, W Vic MVI_3588+3589+3590 20190519 - harmonica male and female
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Tcharkulda Rock, Minnipa, SE SA MVI_4232+4231 20181126 - rufiventris male
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Blue Gum X Mucronata Roads, Pegarah State Forest IMG_1947 20211217 - strigata