Ellis Beach, FNE Qld IMG_7859 20180308 - In breeding plumage w. Wandering Tattler on Right. CLICK for GtT in breeding plumage with Great Knot, Foreshore, Cairns FNE Qld 202040316.
Notes: Similar to Wandering
Tattler . Plain grey upperparts, yellow legs, straight bill, long wings.
Adult breeding: dense grey barring below, but white belly to undertail. Non-breeding:
white throat; grey on breast, upper flanks only. Flying birds call 'chu-wiit'.
Migrant from Siberia breeding. Tight roosts at high tide. Forages by quickly picking at surface.
Range from Morcombe©
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_2135 20230922 - breeding plumage. CLICK for another there on 20220916
Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_1715 20240327 - breeding plumage. CLICK for one there the day after 20240328.
Cairns Esplanade, FNE Qld IMG_8457 20221123 - non-breeding plumage
Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_8143 20230903 - flock flying. CLICK for a single bird flying.
Tattler Rocks, Roebuck Bay, NW WA IMG_2660 20180912 - CLICK for one leaving the roost next day.
Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_1994 20201118 - non-breeding plumage
Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_3395 20221001 - juvenile: pale-dotted fringes to tertials & scapulars, narrow white fringes to coverts. CLICK for another one .
Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_7840 20191126 - late juvenile: still some narrow white fringes to coverts. CLICK for another on 20231013.
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Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_9488 20240313 - non-breeding plumage.
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Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_7846 20191126 - late juvenile: still some narrow white fringes to coverts.
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Yarrabah, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_0542 20191019