29 Mile Rd, Point Wilson, S Vic IMG_9923 20190610
Notes: White, heart-shaped facial disc.
Upperparts grey to yellow-buff w. sparse black & white spots.
White below w. sparse dark spots. Legs feathered white. Female larger.
At night flys slowly, head down hunting for mice. Hovers. Sits on fence posts.
Nomadic, irruptive. Locally rare to common. Tyto alba delicatula??
Range from Atlas of Living Australia©
29 Mile Rd, Point Wilson, S Vic IMG_9929 20190610 - CLICK for another pic.
Dalip Road, Atherton, FNE Qld IMG_5263 20221024 - CLICK for another pic.
Coconut Grove, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_0439 20250120 - CLICK for a video of it being harassed.
Foreshore, Beaumaris, Melbourne, S Vic IMG_9910 20210730
Foreshore, Beaumaris, Melbourne, S Vic IMG_9919 20210730 - legs slender; lower half sparsely covered w. hair-like feathers.
Foreshore, Beaumaris, Melbourne, S Vic IMG_9925 20210730 - upperparts delicately mottled & vermiculated soft grey & pale yellow-buff w. the feather ends finely tipped white.
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29 Mile Rd, Point Wilson, S Vic MVI_9928 20190610
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Foreshore, Beaumaris, Melbourne, S Vic IMG_9922 20210730
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Dalip Road, Atherton, FNE Qld IMG_5227 20221024