Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_7720 20191125 - breeding plumage. CLICK for one in non-breeding plumage, Ricketts Point, Beaumaris, Melbourne, S Vic, showing more yellow bill in S of range. 20230718.
Notes: Large tern w. mid-grey upperparts, white underparts,
a long lemon-yellow bill, & a shaggy black cap that does not reach the
bill, & recedes in non-breeding conditions. Bill more yellow in south
of range. Juvenile strongly patterned grey, brown & white plumage. Similar
Lesser Crested Tern is
smaller w. black cap extending down to the bill; yellow-orange bill. Forages by
plunge diving for fish. Occurs along coasts & estuaries.
Range from Morcombe & Stewart© (modified)
Foreshore, Black Rock, Melbourne, S Vic IMG_4897 20200117 - non-breeding plumage: less extensive white on head for SE Aust. birds. CLICK for another with Fairy Tern. Ricketts Point, Beaumaris, S Vic 20230721
Green Island, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_4173 20191106 - non-breeding plumage More extensive white on head for NE Qld birds. Black Noddy on right.
Green Island, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_3566 20191221 - breeding plumage x 2.
Foreshore, Beaumaris, Melbourne, S Vic IMG_9824 20210730 - CLICK for another pic.
Foreshore, Cairns FNE Qld IMG_2179 20240330 - Crested Tern in front of Lesser Crested Tern. CLICK for young Crested Tern behind smaller Lesser Crested Tern. On 80 Mile Beach, NW WA 20180922.
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_8330 20240225 - Crested Tern with bill full of prawns. CLICK for Crested Tern in pursuit of another w. a Flying Fish! 20210516.
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_1629 20240326 - big wing stretch. CLICK for a group w. juvenile in the background.
Green Island, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_9052 20190409 - juvenile. CLICK for one begging. Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld 20231011
Michaelmas Cay, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_2094 20210516 - two juveniles & a chick.
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Foreshore, Black Rock, Melbourne, S Vic IMG_6524 20210325
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Foreshore, Elim Beach, Cook, CYP, FNE Qld IMG_8407 20201005 - non-breeding plumage Crested Tern bathing, joined by Lesser Crested Tern which then flys off. A Little Tern in foreground.
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Myall Lakes NP, CE NSW MVI_9726+9719 20170219 - non-breeding plumage adults & a juvenile.