Cams Farm Reserve, NE NSW IMG_4856 20220613 - pusilla note dark red iris, dark streaking on breast & throat, rufous-tinged forehead w. cream scalloping. CLICK for another.
Notes: Nominate pusilla has rufous-tinged forehead w. cream
scalloping, dark streaking on throat & breast, grey-brown tail w. narrow black
sub-terminal band. Ssp dawsonensis has finer breast streaks. Ssp zietzi
has longer bill, paler forehead markings, less rufous-tinged uppertail-coverts. Ssp
diemenensis is larger w. longer wing & bill, rusty forehead w. scalloping maybe
to forecrown. Ssp archbaldi/magnirostris has much longer bill, forehead &
forecrown more rufous & unmarked.
Range from Morcombe & Stewart©
Bear Gully Campground, SE Vic IMG_8684 20211124 - pusilla note dark red iris, dark streaking on breast & throat, rufous-tinged forehead w. cream scalloping.
Foreshore, Black Rock, Melbourne, S Vic IMG_4099 20191129 - pusilla note dark red iris, dark streaking on breast & throat, rufous-tinged forehead w. cream scalloping.
Clarksdale Bird Sanctuary, nr Linton, SW Vic IMG_3774 20240105 - pusilla CLICK for anothe pic.
Tarra-Bulga NP, SE Vic IMG_4206 20190302 - pusilla juvenile has yellow gape - not evident here and very rufous.
Dalrymple Heights, Eungella, NE Qld IMG_2276 20200811 - dawsonensis shorter tarsus, slightly brighter above, paler below.
Diggings Road, Eungella, NE Qld IMG_2493 20200812 - dawsonensis is smaller, has broader white edges of retrices.
Snug Caravan Park, SE Tas IMG_6948 20210607 - diemenensis is larger, has longer bill, rusty forehead, paler greyer upperparts. CLICK for a second pic.
Blackman's Lagoon, NE Tas IMG_5193 20170402 - diemenensis upperparts paler, greyer.
Lappa Road, Pegarah State Forest, SE King Island, Tas IMG_2092 20211217 - archibaldi very long bill (~16mm cf 11–13mm for diemenensis ), pale edges to primaries, buff flanks.
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Clarksdale Bird Sanctuary, nr Linton, SW Vic IMG_3807+3805+3806 20240105 - pusilla feeding.
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Rickett's Point, Beaumaris, S Vic IMG_3355 20230711 - pusilla
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Diggings Road, Eungella, NE Qld IMG_2498+2499+2501 20200812 - dawsonensis