Esplanade, Cairns, FN Qld IMG_9496 20210428 - terraereginae CLICK for another pic.
Notes: Small, blackish-brown upperparts, grey-brown underparts.
Dull white rump. Long narrow wings, broad notched tail.
Ssp chillagoensis smaller, paler. Common NE Qld; ranges within 30km of nest sites.
Range from Morcombe© (modified)
Cemetery, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_0326 20231102 - terraereginae CLICK for another in flight there.
Cemetery, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_0301 20231102 - terraereginae CLICK for another in flight there.
Big Crystal Creek Camp, Paluma NP, FNE Qld IMG_2688 20200817 -terraereginae CLICK for one at Esplanade, Cairns, FNE Qld 20240802.
Archways Caves, Mungana, FN Qld IMG_0551 20210506 - chillagoensis
Mungana nr Chillagoe, FN Qld IMG_1171 20180408 - chillagoensis
Mungana nr Chillagoe, FN Qld IMG_1215 20180408 - chillagoensis
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location MVI_6666 20160909