St Lawrence Wetlands, NE Qld IMG_1092 20220305 - australis common in open grasslands & agricultural areas. CLICK for one at Turf Farm, Wright's Creek, Cairn FNE Qld 20250120.
Notes: Upright stance. White outer edge to outer tail feathers.
Ssp rogersi small, w. long tarsus, breast heavily spotted blackish, may
extend to upper belly; bilbali large, w. short tarsus, dull tawny-brown
above w. diffuse pale fringes, breast & belly deep cream, heavy breast streaking;
australis sandy brown above, remiges edged brownish-cream, moderate
to sparse streaking onto breast; bistriatus large w. long tarsus, deep
tawny-brown above w. diffuse pale fringes.
Range from Australian Bird Guide© (2019)
29 Mile Road, Point Wilson, S Vic IMG_0050 20190611 - australis forages on the ground for small invertebrates, seeds.
Exmouth, W WA IMG_5071 20180929 - australis moderate to sparse streaking only onto breast
Luritja x Ernest Giles Roads, SE NT IMG_8943 20180711 - australis broad breast-band overlain w. short dark streaks
Karumba, NW Qld IMG_4576 20170819 - rogersi small; darker brown above, breast heavily spotted blackish (may extend lower). CLICK for another at Normanton, 20160908.
Saltwater Lagoon, Lakefield NP, CYP, FN Qld IMG_8074 20201002 - rogersi small; long tarsus, strongly patterned above & below
Peaceful Bay, SW WA IMG_9534 20181025 - bilbali large; dull tawny-brown above, diffuse pale fringes.
Peaceful Bay, SW WA IMG_9445 20181024 - bilbali belly deep cream, heavy breast streaking may extend to upper belly & flanks
Strahan, W Tas IMG_2153 20160302 - bistriatus dull brown upperparts; cream breast, streaking rarely extends lower.
South Road, S King Island, Tas IMG_1353 20211216 - bistriatus large w. long tarsus.
Musselrow Bay, NE Tas IMG_0069 20160216 - bistriatus juvenile w. broad buff fringes to feathers; appears scaly.
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Cape Kunaudren, 80 Mile Beach, NW WA MVI_4366 20180922 - australis
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Lake Cooper - N end, Corop, C Vic IMG_8829 20190928 - australis
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Inside Track, Birdsville, NE SA MVI_0070 20170603 - australis persistent bobbing of tail when standing